البرامج التدريبية

Advanced Health & Safety Management

Health, Safety, Environment & Security

المكان: Cairo
تاريخ البداية: 2025-05-04
تاريخ النهاية: 2025-05-08
الفترة: 5 أيام

محتوى التدريب:


The benefits of good health and safety management for any organisation are significant.

This  Advanced Health & Safety Management training course is based upon Successful Health and Safety Management produced by the UK's Health and Safety Executive. It will provide you with everything you need to develop and sustain a genuinely successful health and safety management system.

The Organisations must have health and safety management systems and practices that ensure risks are dealt with sensibly, responsibly, and proportionately. Effective health and safety management is not just about having a safety management system. The success of whatever system or process that is in place always depends on people's attitudes and behaviours in the organisation (referred to as the "safety culture").


By the end of this  training course, the participants will be able to:

Develop and sustain an effective health and safety management system

Understand the significant legal duties and safety legislation in Europe and the United States

Develop the skills to manage health and safety in line with other core business activities

Appreciate the importance of safety culture and human factors in creating a successful safety management system

Understand risk perception and effective hazard control

Appreciate the importance of monitoring success

The benefit of this course

Understanding internationally accepted standards for health and safety management systems

Staff professional development

Improved safety systems, control, and behaviour

Ability to reduce accidents and business losses in the workplace

Leaders better equipped to prevent or manage adverse events

Understanding the core elements of a successful health and safety management system

Appreciating the legal basis for health and safety management

Learning how to implement a health and safety management system

Increased knowledge in evaluating health and safety performance

Appreciating the importance of human factors

Course Outline

Day 1

Legislation for Health and Safety


Legislation for Health and Safety

Legislation for High Hazard Industries

Process safety management

Introduction to Safety Management Systems

Day 2

Policy and Safety Culture 

Setting policy and organising for health and safety

Control, co-operation, communication and competence

Safety culture and human factors

Safety management systems and safety culture factors

Essential safety management system components

Developing and sustaining an effective safety management system

The benefits of an effective safety management system

Day 3

Planning and Implementation

Management Arrangements

Risk Control Systems – Inputs, Processes, and Outputs

Risk Assessments

Work permit systems and isolations

Hazard Communication

Day 4

Measuring Performance 

Measuring the performance of stated intentions against actual delivery

Active Monitoring Systems

Reactive Monitoring Systems

Audits and Reviews

Risk Management

Day 5

Behavioural Safety

ABC Analysis – Antecedents, Behaviour, and consequences

Natural Penalties and Consequences

Identifying Critical Behaviours

Feedback on Observations