البرامج التدريبية

Employee Relations and Engagement

Human Resource Management and Training

المكان: London
تاريخ البداية: 2025-08-17
تاريخ النهاية: 2025-08-21
الفترة: 5 أيام

محتوى التدريب:

Course Description


Why some organizations fail to stay competitive in the market?

One of most important reasons is that they have no Performance Management System that Collect, Analyze and Report Information regarding the performance of the organization.

The purpose of developing a system for effective measuring of performances is to understand, adjust and improve business in all department of the organization. Performance measurement enable effective organizations to express their success by numbers. Beside control function indicators of performances also have two other functions:

Developing and Guiding Function - they present a base for formulating and implementation of the strategy of the organization

Motivation Function - they induce management to fulfill goals and motivate all stakeholders to realize those goals and on even higher level

Performance Measurements and Key Performance Indicators are the means to monitor the execution of the Strategy of the Organization. It is therefore, absolutely vital that organizations should have proper strategies and proper means of executing the strategies. In 2006, the Monitor Group asked Senior Executive about their number one priority and the answer was "Strategy Execution”.


At the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

Develop a comprehensive performance measurement system.

Link strategic goals to operational activities effectively.

Analyze and optimize key performance indicators for success.

Understand and address human factors in strategy execution.

Benefit of this course:

Enhanced alignment of strategy and operations

Improved decision-making through actionable insights

Increased efficiency in performance tracking

Stronger motivation and engagement across teams

Mastery of performance measurement techniques

Skills to develop effective dashboards and scorecards

Improved ability to align tasks with strategy

Enhanced decision-making and analytical skills

Course Outline

Day 1

Foundations of Performance Measurement

Introduction to performance management

The need for performance measurement system

Current methods of measurement and common failings

Understanding key performance indicators

Setting SMART objectives for performance measurement

Alignment of key performance indicators with strategic objectives

Day 2

Developing Key Performance Indicators

Characteristics of effective key performance indicators

Develop and standardise performance metrics

The balanced scorecard approach

Phase model for implementing performance measurement system

Communicating key performance indicators and performance results

Role of technology in performance measurement

Overcoming resistance to performance measurement

Day 3

Strategy Execution and Operational Management

The concept of strategy

Understanding strategy execution

Overcoming barriers to successful strategy execution

Resource allocation and management

Linking strategy to operational activities

Key performance indicators to monitor and adjust operational activities

Day 4

Human Factors in Performance Measurement

The role of leadership in performance management

Employee engagement and motivation

Building and sharing a vision

Effective communication

Emotions and rapport

Managing conflict assertively

Day 5

Optimising and Driving Key Performance Indicators Performance

Customising performance reports

Leveraging data analytics to enhance key performance indicators performance

Challenges and solutions in implementation

Summary & Next steps